Thursday, May 23, 2013

Big data = Volume + Variety+ Velocity

Big data enables organizations to store, manage, and manipulate vast amounts of disparate data at the right speed and at the right time. To gain the right insights, big data is typically broken down by three characteristics:

Volume: How much data ?

Velocity: How fast data is processed ?

Variety: The various types of data

▪  Volume – is that huge amount of digital data created by all sources – companies, individuals and devices.  (What constitutes “big” varies by perspective and will certainly change over time.)

▪  Variety - comes from increasing types of data – some structured, as in databases, much of it unstructured text or video and some semi-structured data like social media data, location-based data, and log-file data.

▪  Velocity – is the speed of creation, which in turn drives interest in real-time analytics and automated decision-making.

While it is convenient to simplify big data into the three Vs, it can be misleading and overly simplistic. For example, you may be managing a relatively small amount of very disparate, complex data or you may be processing a huge volume of very simple data. That simple data may be all structured or all unstructured.

Big data incorporates all the varieties of data, including structured data and unstructured data from e-mails, social media, text streams, and so on. This kind of data management requires companies to leverage both their structured and unstructured data.

Some products which are there in this area:
Oracle Exalytics

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